Sunday 27 November 2011

DLTA - one day or two?

Area 4A Presidents.

There is discussion at District that DLTA should be for one day only (currently it is for two days).

The objective is to increase attendance.

We would value input from you and your fellow Rotarians.

Please give me some feedback .

Best Regards,

A.G. Tav Macpherson

Assistant Governor, Area 4A, District 5020


  1. Keeping in mind that DLTA events are held alternately between Victoria and Port Angeles, as far as time away from the home, a one day DLTA would probably mean a 2 night stay in the respective location. In my case, with a business, a house and 2 dogs, this would be more discouraging than encouraging in my possible attendance

  2. It may be time to have a one day DLTA on the US side and one on the Cdn side. This may also encourage increased attendance at the District Conference given the opportunity to connect with Rotarians on both sides of the border. The majority of DLTAs are one day only.

  3. I believe we should keep DLTAs to two days. It gives more time for networking and one-on-one chats. Also as Joan Peggs says, people coming from long distances will be obliged to stay two nights and hence more expense and inconvenience to some in terms of time away from home. Keep DLTA's as they are.

  4. One day dlta is a good idea but as Joan points out, it requires 2 nights stay. One of the highlites from a dlta is the entertainment portion as we all gather from everywhere to laugh and respond to a performance. This sounds self-promoting but I'll say it anyways. My choir which is enjoying sold out concerts is a perfect soul-lifting show to kick-off or close a session. Those who've seen us will attest to what happens when 50 choreographed singers bring people to their feet. That's what we do! Keep it in mind for upcoming events like the dlta. Jack... the Rotarian cum entertainment mogul

  5. If in fact the DTLA is a two night affair, then it makes sense to me to have it run from Friday evening with some sort of reception/fellowship evening, and finish up Sunday morning before noon. That gives folks plenty of time to get back home.

  6. Just a reminder to all that this is a training event that is not intended to be a social event with entertainment etc. The entertainment value comes from attending the District Conference. Also, if it is a two night affair, it would only pertain to each side of the border once every two years. Jack: you should contact Terry Toone with regard to your choir - would be great to kick off the District Conference in June.
